TLR Design
"The twin lens is obsolete...Who would want one?" I strongly disagree with that statement. Let me try to convince you.
SLR cameras are certainly more useful for certain types of photography but the TLR has some important advantages that flow directly from its design. In an SLR there is a large and heavy mirror that has to move at high speed with every exposure. The mirror slows down response but more importantly it creates a strong slap that you can hear and feel, particularly in a medium format camera (this is the source of the Hasselblad "thunk.") The slap makes noise that can be objectionable, particularly if you are shooting weddings or strangers on the street. It also creates vibration that degrades your photos, even with a tripod.
In contrast, there is no mirror slap on the TLR. The shutter is very quiet, nearly silent in a large room, and there is greatly reduced vibration, which makes for sharper photos, particularly when hand-held or with long exposures.
In addition to the functional advantages, the TLR design has a charm not found in SLR designs. I find that people open up to a camera that they see as a charming oddity and this gets you better pictures.
This one is in excellent condition with light wear and works perfectly. The shutter and meter are accurate and the mechanical functions are smooth. The glass is clean and scratch-free with no haze, fungus, nor other issues.
The leather case is included. The case is in great shape with sound stitching.
This is a nice one.
SKU: 241108-7